Hi, My Name Is Darren
I Am A Professional web designer
Website design and SEO ranking websites for many years. I am here to help you get enquires and traffic. I go so much further with our web design.
areas I excel
website dsign
The best way to contact me regards your web design needs is through the website. Building a website is easy. Making it Google happy is another thing. I know how to do this.
seo - dashboard
All our clients who opt for an SEO package will have access to the SEO dashboard. This shows you all your websites progress, links, videos, call metrics, lead metrics, basically, everything.
ppc advertising expert
I have used companies many years ago to generate leads. They are expensive and burn your advertising budget without fail. I, can navigate this and get your website on Google at a fraction of the cost. Many years experience in PPC advertising.
a fascination With Creating website Design since my first pc
I got my first PC put on dial up modem and said "okay now what do you do?" Since that day, I have been obsessed with how Google ranks websites and website design. I started by designing my own websites to generate leads for my business. I enjoyed the web design so much I became addicted to creating more. Then, I became intrigued as to how to get your website high in the search engine rankings. Now, I wish to pass that knowledge and know how to clients who are on or thinking about a similar journey. With my team of copywriters, SEO experts and professional web designers we are sure to nail your project.
2009 -
I had a UK business generating leads for financial services. This is where my passion for lead generation and designing websites began. It was a phenomenally successful venture. PPC advertising was much less back then.
For the price of our web design
We literally challenge any web designer or company do the service we offer for the price we offer. There are many web designers and you may get a cheaper quote. However, for the website you get and the effort that is put into your project we cannot stress enough the value for money. These are premium websites. We can offer this due to very low overheads.
marketing overview (optional)
SEO is another string to our bow. And we do it very well. We offer a free overview of how we rank your website and the effort that goes into getting up the rankings. The other point is its totally transparent. You can log in and see your own progress on our dashboard.
A passion for customer service
We have a passion for customer service and communicating with clients. We believe this is second to none. This is important for any business as running a business is tough enough without chasing people about your web design.